Scripta Nummaria Romana – Essays Presented to Humphrey Sutherland Edited by R. A. G. Carson and Colin KraScripta Nummaria Romana – Essays Presented to Humphrey Sutherland Edited by R. A. G. Carson and Colin Kraay.
Good collection of fifteen scholarly articles on Roman numismatics.Includes following articles:
Bruun, Patrick. Site finds and hoarding behavior.
Hill, Philip V. The monuments and buildings of Rome on the coins of the early Severans, A. D. 192-217.
Kent, J. P. C. Urbs Roma and Constantinopolis medallions at the mint of Rome.
Carson, R. A. G. Mints in the mid-third century
Giard, Jean-Baptiste. Images de l’antiquitè romaine et de la renaissance francaise.
King, C. E. Denarii and quinarii, A. D. 253-295.
Levick, Barbara. Concordia at Rome.
Kraay, Colin M. The bronze coinage of Vespasian : classification and attribution.
MacDowall, David W. The organization of the Julio-Claudian mint at Rome.
Nash, Daphne. Plus a change : currency in central Gaul from Julius Caesar to Nero.
Robertson, Anne S. The circulation of Roman coins in north Britain : the evidence of hoards and site-finds from Scotland.
Reece, Richard. Bronze coinage in Roman Britain and the Western Provinces, A.D. 330-402.
Vermeule, Cornelius. The imperial shield as a mirror of Roman art on medallions and coins.
Stewart, Ian. Anglo-Saxon gold coins.
Trafford, Jose M. Bibliography of published work by C. H. V. Sutherland.