Cordia Denarius

NZD $280


Mn. Cordius Rufus Denarius circa 46, 18 mm.,

Jugate heads of the Dioscuri r., wearing laureate pilei; behind,
RVFVS III VIR. Rev. Venus Verticordia standing l., holding scales
and sceptre; on her shoulder, Cupid; behind, MN CORDIVI.

Cordia 2c. Sydenham 976. Sear Imperators 63. Crawford 463/1b.

Venus Verticordia “Changer of Hearts” or “Heart-Turner” was an aspect of the Roman goddess
Venus conceived as having the power to convert either virgins or sexually active women from
dissolute desire (libido) to sexual virtue (pudicitia). Under this title, Venus was especially cultivated
by married women, and on 1 April she was celebrated at the Veneralia festival with public bathing.