New Zealand museums where antiquities and ancient coins can be viewed.

Auckland War Memorial Museum
A small collection in a room including antiquities from the East and South America.

University of Canterbury – Teece Museum of Classical Antiquities
This excellent collection is part of the University of Canterbury.It has been rehoused after the earthquake through the generosity of Prof Teece. It was previously the Logie Collection which is particularly strong in Greek vases.

Canterbury Museum Collection
A small collection which could be viewed in conjunction with the Teece Museum across the road.

Victoria University Collection
A broad collection including ancient coins. It is well displayed and very much worth a visit.

New Zealand National Museum of Te Papa
Te Papa has an excellent collection of antiquities but they are not on display.
However, they do occasionally loan items to other institutions such as the Teece

Otago Museum Collection
An excellent collection some of which can be viewed on a youtube video under Otago Museum Antiquities.